Growing Through The Power Of Association


My grandfather was a farmer by trade, my dad a famous singer, two completely different worlds. Yet there was so much of my grandfather in my father. As I look at my father, I see so much of him in me. As I look at my sons they have become their own men, but I see so much of myself in them. And I’m not just speaking physically. The reason for this is simple; it’s a principle, a law called the power of association.

This law is in effect every day of our lives, and it will either work for us or against us. This is how it works, as you relate to people over time, they will change and impact your life for better or worse. That is why as parents we didn’t want our children to play with certain kids, or go to certain schools. It’s a powerful law that impacts us all. If we leverage the law to our advantage it has the power to grow our faith. When Jesus began his ministry, He did so using the power of association. He would look at people of different walks of life and tell them, ‘follow me’. He knew that if He could spend time with them, eventually He would impact and change their lives. This is why it’s so important to choose the people you are going to spend time with. Like it or not, they will change your life either positively or negatively. Before I continue let me make a suggestion. If you are serious about growing your faith, then sign up for a small group. This is one way in which you can leverage this law in your favor. Ok! I’ll continue, just one more thing. Look at what Solomon had to say about the power of association in today’s Bible reading:

Bible reading

Proverbs 13:20 NLV

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the one who walks with fools will be destroyed.

It’s simple, depending on who you choose to spend your time with you’ll either grow in your faith or you’ll be negatively impacted. It’s a law, best to use it to our advantage.


Heavenly Father, help me to surround myself with people who will have a positive impact on my life, and help me to be a positive impact in the lives of the people that I relate to everyday.



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