“Round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows…

Life is a journey. However, a journey without purpose becomes a meaningless life. Those who discover their purpose are on a mission; they are journeying to a destination of their own choosing. Nobody gets to choose where they begin in life, but we do get to choose where we end. Sadly, the lives of far too many people resemble the wheel of fortune, spinning around and around; not really knowing where they will end. It is almost a meaningless existence. For those who discover their purpose however, they wake up each day full of passion, motivation, and vision. These people know that each step they take moves them closer and closer to the fulfillment of their purpose and desired destination.

Ephesians 2:10 NIV

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Strictly speaking, from a secular perspective, we have the right to choose our life’s purpose. For those who believe in God however, we believe that He created every single person with a divine purpose. We believe that our Heavenly Father designed everyone for a specific reason. You and I are in this world to do something specific. Our role here is to discover those good works that God has prepared in advance and for which God brought us into this world to walk in.

It is clear to me; I know what I was created to do. Some of you may incorrectly assume that I was created to be a pastor. It is my profession so it stands to reason that you would draw that conclusion. However, pastor is too broad and general, it is not specific enough. I was created with a specific purpose in mind, for something far better, far greater, for something I can do whether or not I am a pastor, am employed, or unemployed. I was created to glorify God by leading people in a growing relationship with His son Jesus Christ.

I pray you too will discover your purpose and the good works God has already prepared for you to do. I am not speaking in the general sense, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Most people already have a general understanding of what they should and should not do. I am talking specifically; you are created by God to do something specific. If you are unsure, as to what that specific something is then please allow me to suggest that you ask God. I propose you pray and read your Bible and I am certain the God who created you with a purpose, will communicate your purpose to you.