Playing God 2




Wednesday March 1, 2017


You will never solve your problems by denying or ignoring them; as a matter of fact, the things we ignore never get better. This is why step number one in solving a problem is recognizing that there is one to begin with. What happens however when you are powerless to solve the problem? I am not speaking about global problems such as world hunger, wars, or terrorism. I am speaking about your own personal problems that result from your hurts, hang-ups, and habits. What happens when you acknowledge that you have problems but are powerless to solve them? Our tendency is to play the role of God by attempting to control our image, others, our problems, our pain, and even God himself. There is one obvious problem with this scenario, we are not God and we are not in control.


Some of the consequences of playing God:


  1. The problem only worsens – As I stated earlier, the things that we ignore never get better.


  1. Fear – The fear that others will discover our true identity and reject us.


3.  Frustration – It is totally frustrating playing the role of God when we do not have the wisdom of



  1. Fatigue – It is fatiguing to play the role of God when we do not have the power of God.


  1. Failure – Without the wisdom and power of God, we are powerless to solve our problems and we are doomed to fail.


You will never overcome your problems until you face the fact that you are not in need of help; you are in need of a Savior.


I recently met with a group of men who had been following Jesus anywhere from six to forty years. I asked them the following question: how many more years do we need to solve our problems? The answer suddenly became obvious, we realized that we did not need more time, what we needed was a Savior. Our prayers then changed from Lord help me overcome my problems to Lord save me from my problems.


The fact of the matter is, that if we were able to solve our problems, we would have done so a long time ago. It is only when our desperation surpasses our shame levels that we become the recipients of God’s grace. It is only when we humble ourselves and admit that we are spiritually poor that God is able to work on our behalf.


Matthew 5:3 (MSG)


“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.”   – Jesus