Thank So Much!




Thursday November 23, 2017


Throughout our lives, there have been people who have helped us to move forwards, people who invested time, money, knowledge, and resources in us. There have been people who have encouraged us, challenged us, prayed for us, and carried us through difficult times. Who we are today and any achievements we have made is the direct result of people who have enabled us to move ahead in life. Too often however, we forget to stop and express our appreciation; too often, we simply forget to stop and say, THANKS!


In the story of Jesus and the ten lepers, we see how Jesus healed all ten, but only one stopped what they were doing to return and say thanks. The other nine were too busy with their lives, they were too busy to return and say thanks.


Revelations 11:17 NLT

“We give thanks to you, Lord God, the Almighty, the one who is and who always was.”


On this Thanksgiving Day, I want to pause and avail myself of the opportunity to say thanks. I want to thank my parents, my sisters, my wife and children, and all of my family. I also want to thank my friends that are dear and near to me. I want to thank my congregation, volunteers, leaders, and all the workers at Casa de Alabanza who for the last fifteen years have allowed me the privilege to serve as their pastor; thank you! In addition, I want to give a very special thanks to all of you who on a daily basis read these devotionals.


Despite the fact that I still have a long way to go, each of you has enabled me to grow and move forwards in my life. Without you, I could not have done what I have accomplished thus far nor could I have become the man I am today, thank you! More importantly, I could not end without thanking my Heavenly Father, my Lord, my Savior, and the Holy Spirit, thank you, thank you, thank you!


Tune in to our on online Thanksgiving Day Service:




Join us for our Christmas series being this Sunday and thru the month of December at CDA Miami.