Be a Part of His Story



Thursday August 09, 2018


You have a story to tell. If you examine your life, you will discover that in ever peak and in every valley, your Heavenly Father was right there with you. You will discover that the reason you made it through some of the most difficult times in your life was because God was with you even when you questioned Him. Furthermore, you will discover that your greatest triumphs had more to do with God than with any of your talents or abilities. All of these experiences come together, the good and the bad, to form the story of your life. Even better, all of your experiences in conjunction with God’s presence come together so that now you can become part of His story.


You have a story to tell and God wants you to tell it. Now, you can tell your story or you can tell His story. What is the difference? Your story when told from your vantage point, how you struggled and what you accomplished, makes you the hero in your. Your story however, can also be told from God’s vantage point. When you tell of what He did in your life and what He accomplished in your life, in this scenario, God becomes the hero in your story. Telling your story from your vantage point will fill you with a sense of pride and worth. On the other hand telling your story from His vantage point is the reason that God created you and will make you part of His story. Nothing will give you a greater sense of accomplishment and happiness than to have your life woven into God’s history.


Allow me to make some suggestions for sharing your story.



  1. Tell His story. You can be the central figure in your story or you can make your Heavenly Father the main character in your story.
  2. Be humble. Your story does not make you better than anyone else But, when we tell our stories, the story of what God has done in our lives, we are giving others the opportunity to play a role in His story. Let me add that no one likes people who boast about themselves.
  3. Do not preach. There are too many preachers and truth be told, the only people who enjoy preachers are the preachers themselves or those who think they are somehow better than everyone else.


Life is all about choices. You can choose to live out your own story or you can choose to live out His story. Nothing will make you happier and give you a greater sense of accomplishment than choosing to become part of God’s history. So tell your story and tell it right.