Monday, July 13


Growing up I was fascinated by TV shows of fictional superheroes like Popeye whose source of power came from eating spinach, Superman whose source of power came from the sun and Sinbad who got his powers from his magic belt. Even though they looked like your average person, when needed, they were able to summon the power to do supernatural things. What made these fictional heroes so fascinating to me was not only their supernatural powers, it was their powers combined with the integrity to use them to do the right thing.


Acts 2:8 NIV


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you….


The word “power” in the verse that you just read in its original Greek form is the word “dunami” from where we get the English word dynamite. This word “power” has two main components; it is the power to do the right thing combined with the power to be the right person.


The Power To Do.


The Holy Spirit is our power source from God that allows us to pray for people who have all kinds of illnesses and diseases so that they may be healed. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we can speak transforming words of life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we can do all sorts of things that would otherwise be impossible for us through our limited natural talents and abilities.


The Power To Be


In one area or another we’ve all struggled with not being the person we want to be. Maybe it’s because of some kind of an addiction you have not been able to overcome or maybe it’s a character flaw that you wished you could change. You’ve tried to change but eventually you revert right back to the same addiction or character flaw. The Holy Spirit is God’s source of power available to us to change and transform even the most difficult and impossible areas in our lives.


Our source of POWER is the Holy Spirit working through us to benefit others and working in us to transform our lives.


Heavenly Father, thank you for the power of your precious Holy Spirit in my life, because not only is it my source for transformative power, but it gives me the power so you can do your wonderful work in others through me.