


Thursday, July 16


Fear is that feeling of distress that comes over you when you feel threatened by someone or something. There’s the fear of what we perceive to be life threatening dangers such as heights or illnesses. There’s also the fear of those perceived dangers which may not be life threatening such as the loss of a job or a position. We fear evil and evil people like those who are morally bad or the devil. We fear pain both physical and emotional. There are also fears that are irrational like the fear of roaches or looking into a mirror at night. What do you fear?


The feeling of being powerless in certain situations is what fuels most of our fears. I reiterate, fear is that feeling that comes over you when you feel threatened by someone or something. The manner in which we combat fear is to build up enough power to confront the present threat. If you were all powerful then you wouldn’t have any fears.

Fear Not

The most repeated command in the entire Bible is “fear not”. The problem is, when we feel powerless over situations and threats, our natural instinct is to fear. The same was true for Jesus’ disciples. On one occasion the disciples were on a boat with Jesus when a sudden storm came upon them without warning, threatening to sink the vessel. The disciples did their best to save themselves but soon realized they were powerless so they went to wake Jesus who had been sleeping through the storm. Jesus awoke and asked: Why are you afraid? He then rebuked the storm and the waves and winds calmed down. Shortly after this incident Jesus told the disciples to get on another boat and that he would soon meet up with them. The disciples left on the boat and once again were caught in a storm. After struggling all night Jesus approached the boat walking on the waters. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the waters they screamed with fear. Jesus responded by telling them ” don’t be afraid it’s me”. You would think after these two episodes the disciples would have learned not to fear. However, shortly after these episodes Jesus is arrested and eventually put to death. The disciples were so afraid they all abandoned Jesus. Do you know why they abandoned Him? They felt powerless.


Three days after His crucifixion Jesus met with the disciples. He told them He was about to leave them and that they shouldn’t go anywhere until they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus had left them the Holy Spirit came upon them and they began to preach and even healed a paralytic man. After this they were arrested and thrown into jail. The flowing day they were interrogated by the same people who had Jesus arrested and crucified. Look at the question the disciples were asked:

Acts 4;7-8 NIV

I invite you to open your Bible and read the complete answer, the once powerless Peter gave them. Simply stated, he told them, yes you crucified Jesus and you can do the same to us be we are no longer afraid. Do you know what made the difference? It wasn’t teachings or lessons, it was the power of the Holy Spirit in Peter and the other disciples that transformed them from fearful men into fearless men.

Power is not fearing even when there’s something to fear and  and we can do this thru the power of the Holy Spirit.




Casa De ALABANZA Miami

Friday, Jul 31 / 8PM – 12 AM

Information: 305-649-4407