Tuesday, August 4

As followers of Jesus, we should look different, we should walk differently, and speak differently; there should be a supernatural element to our lives. When people look at the way in which we conduct ourselves they should be attracted to us because they see a supernatural element manifested in our daily lives. When we speak, our words should be so powerful that people would want to listen to what we have to say because of that supernatural element resonating in them. This supernatural element in our lives is the power of Holy Spirit.

After Jesus resurrected, He gathered His disciples and told them to not to do anything until they had received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Shortly after Jesus had spoken those words, He ascended to heaven, then the gift of the Holy Spirit came down from heaven, and the way in which the disciples walked and talked was forever transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Immediately following this event, Peter began to speak to a crowd, the same crowd that weeks earlier had gathered to cheer as Jesus was being crucified. The crowd that Peter was speaking to was also the same crowd to which Peter denied having known Jesus. However, this time his talk was different, this time his walk was different, this time instead of the crowd accusing Peter, this time they asked him, what should we do?

Acts 2:38 NIV

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Today, most believers who come to Jesus, instead of following Him they ask Jesus to follow them. Believers today want to keep on living the same life and just have Jesus tag along. To repent means to make a 180-degree turn, it means that you were walking in one direction but now you are walking in another direction. It is a complete about-face.

Be Baptized

Baptism is similar to a wedding ceremony in which a man and a woman come together and publicly declare their love for one another. That is pretty much what being baptized is; it is a public declaration through your words and actions that you love Jesus.

Receive The Gift

That is exactly what the Holy Sprit is, God’s gift to those who have repented and publicly declare their love for him. The Holy Spirit is the supernatural element gifted to us by God that transforms us.

Be transformed by the super natural element that is the gift of the Holy Spirit. Do not drag Jesus along for the ride instead follow Jesus. Let your walk and your talk be different, repent, do an about-face, declare your love for Jesus by living a Holy Spirit filled, supernatural, irresistible, and powerful life.

Heavenly Father is through the power of the Holy Spirit that you transform my life so that I am no longer the same person, it’s only when others see that supernatural element in my walk and my talk is that I can impact them and lead them to your feet. Thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit in me.