Tuesday, August 25


We live in world full of anxieties; on an individual level people suffer from anxieties because of relational problems, financial problems and heath problems. On a national level people suffer from all kinds of social anxieties. It seems to be that every person no matter his or her gender, race, religion, age, political views, profession, position or economic status is anxious about something. On a worldwide level people are anxious about wars, terrorism, climate change and so many other things. That’s probably why it is said that anxiety is the disease of the 21st century. Some psychiatrists say that anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent health problems worldwide.

I want To Be Happy

The way I see it and I am no expert on the matter, what seems to be causing people the most anxiety is their pursuit of happiness. Everybody wants to be happy. The problem is that happiness is fleeting and temporary just like the clouds in the sky. Happiness is here today and gone tomorrow, what made you happy yesterday no longer makes you happy today and what makes you happy today will probably not make you happy tomorrow. One day we receive good news and celebrate. The next day the good news is eclipsed by bad news and the celebration is over. To expect happiness to be the solution to anxieties seems to be fool’s gold to me.

False Expectations

For many the problem is that they live with false expectations believing that external things can make them happy and they do but happiness is always fleeting and temporary. We also have false expectations about God, expectations that are not based on theology but rather personal opinion. It’s the personal opinion that says that God will never allow something bad to happen to me. I always say that if God allowed his son Jesus to die on a cross to save me, what would make me think that he would not allow something bad to happen to me in order to save me? Isn’t it funny that everyone is chasing happiness and nobody seems to be truly happy?


As long as you’re chasing after happiness you wont find what you really need, joy. Whereas happiness is conditional because it depends on the circumstances, joy is not. Joy is something that takes place inside of us no matter what the circumstances are around us. Our Heavenly Father knowing that in this world difficult times would be a part of our lives offers us the gift of joy. Joy is the complete assurance that God is in control of every detail in my life. Joy is the confidence that all things work to the benefit of those who love God, the good things and even the bad ones. Joy is the intentional choice to praise God no matter what is happening. Joy is the ability to smile even in the greatest of pains. The problem is that joy is not something you can obtain on your own because joy is a fruit that can only be produced by the Holy Spirit of God in a person. The good news is that Joy is available to everyone who chooses to pursue God instead of happiness.

Galatians 5:22 NLT

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy…

Heavenly Father, in my endless pursuit of happiness I’ve lost sight of something much better…joy. I’m tired of being happy one day and sad the next. Help me to be filled with the joy that only comes from knowing that you love me and you are always in control.