Thursday, August 27

Dangerous Lies

All lies are dangerous some of the most dangerous lies are the ones you never notice. They can distort your thinking in ways you’d never expect and adversely impact every area of your life. Just look back at your life and you will see that some of your greatest hurts, pains and regrets were due to lies that you believed to be true. That is why when you look back at certain areas of your life you ask yourself: How could I have been so naive as to believe that I could handle my health, my finances and my relationships the way I did without paying the price? How could I have I acted morally, ethically and spiritually the way I did and think that it was going to end up well? The answer is that somewhere along the line even if you did not notice it you were deceived to believe a lie. But looking forwards your ability to recognize them can make the difference between living a successful life or a life full of regrets.

Lying A Way Of Life

Lying is such a big part of our culture; on the one hand we teach our children not to lie and on the other hand we tell them that there is a tooth fairy. Most of our politicians lie to us and we dismiss it by saying that it’s just politics. But when they continuously tell us they’re going to do one thing and turn around and do another that is not called politics that’s called lying. The same is true of some of our spiritual leaders who are experts in taking a truth and distorting it to the point that it actually becomes a lie. Who do we believe? How do we know that we haven’t been deceived? How do we develop the ability to recognize the truth, when we are surrounded by so many lies?

John 16:13 NIV

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

Recognizing The Truth

So how do we recognize the truth in a world full of lies? We must first recognize that we have been and can be deceived by lies. And second, we must allow the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us to all truth. The fact that we believe something to be true doesn’t make it true. We overestimate our knowledge and underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit.

Recognize that we have been and can be deceived.
Don’t take my word for it lets see what Solomon had to say: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” Never overestimate your knowledge and never underestimate God’s direction. Seek his will in everything you do, everything.

Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to the truth.
We tend to act first and then we seek God when things fall apart. Before we act we should seek God’s direction through praying, reading His word and the advice of others. This is the way God uses the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us to all truth. Do not overestimate your knowledge and do not underestimate the power of The Holy Spirit to guide you. Seek God first and then act once His Holy Spirit guides you.

Power is the ability to discover the truth in every area of life through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, I recognize that this world does nothing but lie to me on a daily basis, and I have even begun to believe and live out some of those lies. You on the other hand, allow me to see the truth about myself and about this world. Holy Spirit continue to guide me and lead me to the truth.