


Monday August 31, 2015


Don’t you know who I am?

Remember my name.

I’m gonna live forever.

I’m gonna learn how to fly – high!

I feel it comin’ together.

People will see me and die. Fame!


I’m gonna make it to Heaven.

Light up the sky like a flame; fame!

I’m gonna live forever.

Baby, remember my name.

  • Irene Cara from the musical Fame.


I want to be famous

 I recently received a Youtube video made by a seven-year old child. I must admit I really enjoyed this child’s work. However, the video got me thinking and I asked him what were his reasons for making a video to post on Youtube. He said, “Because I want to be famous”. Then he proceeded to tell me about all the benefits he would reap if he were famous. Sounds cute, but this child is just like everyone else, everyone wants to be famous. It is no longer good enough to be a doctor, a lawyer, teacher, hair stylist, or even a minister. Everyone is craving fame and just like this child, they believe that fame will get them all the benefits and rewards associated with it.

A wish for fame belies the existence of a crippling, undiagnosed malady, one rather like malnutrition, except that it is a disease of the self, not the body.

  • Robert W Fuller, Ph.D

Seeking glory

 Actually, in further analysis, fame in and of itself, is not necessarily what everyone craves. Fame is just one of the many manifestations of a bigger disease operating in all of us, the disease of “self”, that wanting to be somebody or more importantly, wanting to receive glory. Whether it is the quiet elderly grandmother or the seven-year old child who wants to become famous, fame is just the means to an end, they are really seeking glory. Glory gives people a sense of worth and value, glory says you are not a nobody or just anybody, glory says you are a somebody. Just as Dr. Fuller from the medical perspective, I also believe from the Biblical perspective that a search for fame and glory is indicative of the disease of self. It is a disease because were not created to receive our own glory. We were created to reflect God’s glory and to give God glory.

Reflecting God’s Glory

 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.    – 2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT

Giving God Glory

 For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen     – Romans 11:36 NLT

 Heavenly Father it’s so easy to get off track and start looking for our own glory, so I ask you to help me every day to be more and more like you as you transform my character through an intimate relationship with you. I want to reflect your glory and give you the glory that only you deserve.