Thursday September 9, 2015

Picture this: After four hundred years of slavery at the hands of a ruthless Egyptian government, Moses under the direction of the Lord leads the people of Israel out of bondage. When they arrive at the Red Sea, God turns it into a red carpet upon which Moses leads them to the other side of the desert far and free from Egypt. Off go the people of the Lord on their way to the Promised Land. On the journey, manna falls from heaven, rocks give water, a cloud follows them giving them shade from the heat during the day, and at night, it became a pillar of fire lighting the way and keeping them warm.

However, just a few months into the journey, the people began to complain, so much so that they actually were demanding they be taken back to Egypt. The people of the Lord complained that although they were slaves, in Egypt, they had garlic and onions to eat. Moses had to plead with God for mercy on two occasions because at this point, God was becoming fed up with all of their complaining. Because of Moses’ intervention, mercy was granted. Moses then journeyed up the mountain to be with the Lord and when he returned from his journey, he discovered that after he plead with God for mercy, the people of the Lord had made for themselves a new god in the form of a golden calf. Moses was so infuriated that he threw the stone tablets the Lord had given him breaking them at the base of the mountain.

Exodus 33:12- 23

Key verses 12-14, 17-18

Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.”

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

 And the Lord said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.”

Following this event, Moses could have asked so many things of God, things such as wisdom, a reward for tolerating these hardheaded people or a fast track into the Promised Land. Instead, Moses asked God to show him His (Gods) glory. Moses returns to the mountain where God then grants him a glimpse of His glory. When he returned, Moses’ face was shining reflecting the glory of God. The people of the Lord saw him and observed that there was no anger, worry or fear of the future on his face; Moses was ready to forge ahead with the challenges that lay before him.

Without doubt, you too have problems in your life; perhaps they are financial, physical, emotional, or relational in nature. I ask you, in the midst of your problems what should you be requesting of God, is it the same as Moses’ request? Moses did not desire Gods blessings; Moses’ desire was for God. Moses request was not a self-focused request it was a God-focused request. Glimpsing Gods glory may not change your circumstance but without a doubt, it will change you. It may not change the world around you but rest assured it will change your life forever.

Heavenly Father your glory is so great that with just a little glimpse of it Moses face shone like the moon when it reflects the sun and immediately after that all of his worries and concerns disappeared! I ask you to please  show me your glory so that I can reflect you on this earth and I know that after getting a glimpse of it I will be able to confront any and all challenge that life throws my way.