Never Changes

Tuesday September 21, 2015

Yesterday I planned to eat oatmeal for breakfast but I changed my mind and had coffee and toast instead. I intended to finish a work project but then decided to create a business plan. I wanted to exercise when I got home from work but was so tired I decided to lie down on the couch and watch the news instead. I had every intention of going to my church meeting but it was one of those days so I stayed home.

We are always changing our minds. It would surprise you to learn how many times in the day, you change your plans, cancel appointments, or reverse course. There are people who planned to get married. They thought they would spend the rest of their lives together but then changed their minds and went their separate ways. Others set up appointments with their doctor, pastor, friend, or children from a previous marriage, but then they cancel or just do not show up. Then there are those that had a plan for the course of their life. They planned for a career, family, health, and God, only to later reverse the course. We are always changing our minds; everyone does it.

We are not dependable, hard as this may be to admit, and neither are the people around us. Why is it then, that we focus so much on our selves? Why do we depend so much on others? Are we not looking for stability? Is it not true that we need someone who is dependable and who cares about us, someone who will not change their mind? Is it not preferable to have someone in whom we can rely even when we are unreliable? Do you not need stability, someone in whom you can fully rely?

Numbers 23:19 NIV

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

God never pauses to catch His breath, think about that. God never needs a lunch break; He never sleeps and never gets tired. Gods strength never grows weak, He does not need help and never asks for advice. God is never so busy that He will ignore you; He will always be with you because He promised He would. (Matthew 28:20) God will always love you; nothing can separate you from His love. (Romans 8:37-39) God never changes; everyone else does and will.

Heavenly Father it’s so encouraging to know that I can fully trust you, thanks because of who you are I can live with the full assurance that you’re plans for my life will never change. Thanks, because even though at times I’m unfaithful to you you’re always faithful to me.