
A Disciplined Giver
Thursday October 8, 2015

You Owe Me

According to studies conducted, people born between the years 1982 and 1985 are considered the most entitled generation in over 220 years. A recent study showed that students graduating from college are expecting to enter the workforce earning high salaries, getting fast promotions, and at least 3-4 weeks vacation time. The majority of these students openly admit that their goal is to have success with the least amount of effort. This mindset is not unique to young people. Other studies indicate that more people than ever before are dependent on the government. They expect the government and other agencies to take care of their needs, everything from food to college, free housing, and anything else in between. This generation is not just the most entitled generation in our history they are also the most undisciplined generation in our history. Since most entitled-thinking people choose to do what they feel instead of what they should, they expect the reward without the effort. Entitled people say, “You owe me”.


Greed causes fighting; trusting the Lord leads to prosperity.
– Proverbs 28:25 NLT

Greed, much like entitlement, says, you owe me, the government owes me, my spouse owes me, my parents owe me… This mindset is so prevalent that even a high percentage of people who call themselves Christians actually believe that God owes them. They believe that God owes them a better life; health, prosperity, and a whole lot more. There is a problem however with this way of thinking. When you believe you are not getting what is owed to you, this can lead to disagreements and fights between yourself and the person you believe owes you. Entitlement (greed) causes fighting but trusting in the Lord leads to prosperity.

Trusting the Lord

It is more blessed to give than to receive.
– Acts 20:35 NIV

Imagine for a moment if the people who called themselves Christians actually trusted in Gods word. If instead of worrying about what they believe they are entitled to, they focused instead on being disciplined givers. If instead of doing what they wanted with their money, talents, or resources they trusted God with all that they have. Imagine how things would look if we really trusted God and believed that there is more blessing in giving than receiving. The result would be more prosperity and less fighting. It stands to reason that not everyone who calls themselves a Christian is actually going to do this. The typical excuse is that their present circumstances make it impossible to do.

I invite you however to trust God. I invite you to become a disciplined giver, to trust God and to do what you should instead of what you want to do. Trust Him. Make giving a priority not receiving. Make God a priority, consider the needs of others when you give and see what happens.

Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

– Malachi 3:10 NIV

Heavenly Father, thank you because heaven and earth will pass away but your word remains forever, every time I believe and trust your word I receive an over abundance of blessings. Help me to de be a disciple giver with a heart full of gratitud for each and every blessing that by grace you’ve already given me.