Monday, October 19

God does not do things for the sake of doing them. Everything God does is with a purpose in mind. God’s purpose for creating the universe was for it to reflect His glory. The Apostle Paul in his writings to the church in Rome said: God created all things and purposed them to bring Him glory. King David in Psalm 19 said: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands”. Simply stated, God created all things with a specific purpose in mind and it was to bring glory to Himself. God has created the heavens and everything in them, the earth, and everything on it and below it as well as the waters that cover the earth and all things beneath them. God did so to demonstrate that there is none like Him and nothing even comes close to being like Him. However, when He contemplated His handiwork He discovered there was a problem.

Gods creation was without choice, although the earth, sun, moon, stars, and galaxies could not speak for themselves, without words they still declared the glory of God. However, God decided to create us (men) in His image and likeness, and He gave us something He gave no other created thing. God gave us words and the total freedom to express with our lives and own words His glory. Then mankind did the unthinkable; we took that freedom and high-jacked Gods glory. We decided to write the main character out of the story and insert ourselves as the main character. We took the perfect glory of God and tainted it with our sin. Gods prized creation, the creation meant to declare His glory like no other created thing could, betrayed God. What was God to do? What would you do?

God made the decision to reclaim His glory. God set out to show us once and for all, that only He is worthy of all glory. God looked to Jesus and told Him to go to earth to reclaim His glory. God told Him to go and live among the race that had betrayed Him; the same race that wrote Him out of the script and filled the pages of His story with sin. He told Jesus He would have to disrobe since He could not go to earth as God; He would have to come to earth as one of them, a man of flesh and blood and assume the role of servant.

It was roughly two thousand years ago that Jesus came to earth as a man and voluntarily humbled Himself taking on the role of servant and He was obedient, obedient to His death on the cross. I would say, that is just crazy! Who would do that? To which God would probably reply: my point exactly. I am not who or what you think I am, I am not like you, I am bigger, greater, and more glorious than you could ever imagine. I did for you what nobody would do much less your enemies. Two thousand years ago, in the middle of history, Jesus Christ reclaimed Gods glory once and for all.

What is ironic about this is that many people believe that this sacrifice on the cross is all about them. People believe that they are the main character in this story. It is true that God loves you and that Jesus died for you and me. However, the love of God and Jesus’ sacrifice was not meant for our glory, they were meant to reclaim Gods glory. When a king dies for the people, it does not speak to the greatness of the people rather to the greatness of the king.

Read Philippians 2: 6-11

 Key verses, Philippians 2: 9-11 NIV

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Heavenly Father, help me to live a life that glorifies you daily in every areas of my life, in my relationship with my finances, at my job, where I live, in my church, may i reflect your glory in all things, because that what I was created for to bring glory to your name.