A Graceless World





A Graceless World

Tuesday, November 24

The world today is characterized by violence, wars, terrorism, lawsuits, political hostility, religious strife, a breakdown in morals, and it is devoid of grace; one just needs to turn on the news to see this. There is good news however. Christmas is a reminder that God sent His son Jesus Christ into a graceless world. He did not come to condemn it, even though, that is precisely what we deserved. Instead, God sacrificed His son in yours and my place to save the world. Sadly, however, there is some bad news. Because of religious and theological differences concerning the “truth”, the message of grace has been watered down in many Christian organizations.


John 1:14,16,17

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.


Christians become quite emotional and spend many resources to argue and present what they perceive to be the correct version of the truth. It is quite the norm to hear or read about churches competing to “out truth” one another or arguing over who has a better sense of how to apply Gods’ laws. What is uncommon is hearing about churches competing to “out grace” each other. It is uncommon to find Christians willing to offer grace in place of grace already given.

I write not as one looking to engage in theological battles over Biblical doctrine. I write as a person who has been the daily recipient of Gods’ grace. I also write as someone who is tempted to allow the truth to become my religious excuse for not offering grace upon grace. I have discovered what many of you may already know; it is easier to receive grace than it is to give it.

In this world characterized by the lack of grace, the Christmas story is a constant reminder of the outrageous price God paid so that we could be the recipients of His grace. As I reflect on my upbringing, where I came from, and the person I was, I am reminded that there is no way I could ever deserve Gods’ grace. I am reminded that although Gods’ grace is free of charge, it comes at the highest price imaginable. Jesus gave His life on the cross in my place. I desire and hope to give by grace what I have received by grace. I pray that you too, an undeserving recipient of Gods’ grace would do the same.

Merry Christmas!