Evil Days



Evil Days

Monday, February 1, 2016

Recently, people were glued to their television sets as they witnessed the terrorist attacks in Paris. Several weeks later, people were once again glued to their TV’s as they watched yet another terrorist attack. This one however was in our back yard, in San Bernardino California.

The year 2014 earned the sad distinction of being the year with the highest ever-recorded global persecution of Christians in the modern era. This was surpassed in 2015 when even higher numbers were recorded. Current conditions suggest that this year, matters will only get worse. In 2015, over 7000 Christians were executed and tortured and innumerable amounts of women were raped. More than 2400 Christian churches were also destroyed. Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. Approximately 100 million Christians worldwide are persecuted because of their faith. These are evil days.

Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

In the movie The Mask, there is a scene where Stanley Ipkiss (the character played by Jim Carey) gets very distracted while driving. So much so that he fails to see all the warning signs and flashing bright yellow lights on both sides of the road warning of danger. He proceeds straight ahead driving his car over a bridge. Many Christians live their lives in the same manner. They are totally unaware of the warning signs and the bright flashing yellow lights warning of the dangers that lie ahead.

The Apostle Paul, writing to a group of believers in Ephesus, admonished them to be “very careful” about the manner in which they were living their lives. He tells them to not be unwise but rather to live their lives wisely. Wisdom, is not determined by how much know. Wisdom is determined by what you do with what you know. An unwise person is someone who knows what not to do but does it anyway. An unwise person knows what they should do but fails do it. In contrast, a wise person does the opposite. A wise person sees the warning signs and makes the proper adjustments in their life.


In what area or areas of your life are you conducting yourself in an unwise manner?

In which areas of your life should you be conducting yourself wisely?


The warning signs are everywhere; make the most of every opportunity because these are evil days.




