Everything in its Due Time – Bobby Cruz Jr




Monday February 15, 2016

Creator’s creations have a purpose.

The musician writes music with the purpose of evoking emotions. The engineer designs with the purpose of making life easier, safer, and more enjoyable. The doctor practices medicine with the purpose of promoting, prolonging, or restoring human health. Each time a creator creates; there is a specific purpose behind their creation. The same is true with God; everything He created was created with a specific purpose in mind. Meaning, God created you and I for a specific and divine purpose.

Discovering your divine purpose can be a difficult task. Generally, it is revealed through God’s word and is birthed by the burdens of your heart. Although every verse in the Bible can contribute to the execution of your divine purpose, not every Bible verse will reveal that purpose to you. Likewise, not all burdens will give birth to your purpose, even tough, divine purpose is always birthed by a heart-felt burden.

Discovering and developing your specific and divine purpose will take time and the process can be extremely difficult and frustrating. The process however, is well worth it because through it, God will make clear what your purpose is. In addition, God will prepare you to be successful at what He created you to do. Just as you cannot rush the development of a baby in the womb, likewise you cannot rush the development of God’s purpose for your life. If you act prematurely, your purpose may not survive. As we wait on God, He will shape His word and the things that burden us into a mission able to survive the real world.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 NIV

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted.




@ Casa De Alabanza Miami

Sunday, February, 21 @ 11AM 

