Your Purpose is found in God’s Purpose – Bobby Cruz Jr



Wednesday February 17, 2016

The greatest tragedy in life is not death. The greatest tragedy is to live a meaningless life. God creates everything with a divine purpose and you are no different. God created you to be someone and to do something special. However, unless you believe in God, the question concerning life’s purpose is completely meaningless. Without God, we are nothing more than meaningless, purposeless matter that came together because of some cosmic explosion.

In God your creator, is where you find your purpose. The problem however for many, is that they look to themselves in order to find their purpose. Divine purpose is far greater than personal fulfillment, far greater than family and friends, prosperity, or happiness. Divine purpose exceeds any of your personal ambitions. If you want to discover your divine purpose, you must begin with God. You exist by and for His purpose. The fulfillment of life is to allow God to use you for His purpose instead of attempting to use God for your own purpose. The more knowledge you have about what God is up to, the more knowledge you will have about what you should be up to.

Around the year 445 BC, a Hebrew man called Nehemiah was born in exile and served under the King of Persia. This is what took place some 140 years earlier: The people of Israel had departed from their divine purpose. God then turned them over to the Babylonians and later to Persia. Now, although Nehemiah had a great job working directly with the King of Persia, he felt unfulfilled and felt that there had to be more to life.

The King of Persia allowed many of the Hebrew people to return to Jerusalem. They did so only to find their city destroyed. One day, Nehemiah’s brother came to visit him. During the visit, Nehemiah asked him about Jerusalem and the people who had returned to the city. The answer: the people live in great trouble and disgrace. This devastated Nehemiah.

Nehemiah 1:4-11 NIV

When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.

Open your Bible and read verses 5-11. You will see that while Nehemiah prayed and suffered the disappointment of seeing what Jerusalem had become versus what it should have been, Nehemiah discovers his divine purpose. As you read, take notice of Nehemiah’s prayer. Nehemiah had historical knowledge and knew what God was up to. Nehemiah knew that the condition of Jerusalem was a direct result of their disobedience to God. He also knew that if they repented, God would restore them.

Do you see? Nehemiah’s divine purpose was not born out of a quest for personal fulfillment. Nehemiah’s divine purpose was born from the knowledge of what God was up to. Do you know what God is up to in the world? What are you up to?

@ Casa De Alabanza Miami

Sunday, February, 21 @ 11AM