Consumed by Divine Purpose – Bobby Cruz Jr


Monday February 22, 2016

We are all driven by something. You might be driven by deadlines, anger, problems, guilt, or fears. It could be values or wanting to prosper and achieve. Perhaps emotions or life circumstances are the driving force. Then one day, something happens that changes your perspective. One day you witness something or see someone that breaks your heart and burdens you. This is not something that simply drives you its more stronger than that. This is something that consumes you. Often times, these consuming burdens are the way in which God reveals to you His divine purpose for your life. However, when you stop to consider this consuming burden, you might encounter a problem. You might conclude that you do not possess the talent, ability, knowledge, or resources to deal with the situation. You know what needs to be done but you lack the know how and resources to do anything about it.

Nehemiah was consumed by the desire to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls. His vision for the city was all he could think of. He had a problem though; it would appear that his situation and the circumstances surrounding him would never allow him to do anything about it. Firstly, the city walls were burned down almost 150 years earlier and for 90 of those years others more talented than him had attempted to rebuild them. Secondly, at that time he was working for the most powerful man in the world, the King of Persia. There was no way the King of Persia was going to allow him to rebuild Jerusalem. And, if by chance the King were to grant him permission, he didn’t have the knowledge or resources to rebuild the walls of any city, much less the city of Jerusalem.

One day, the King notices that Nehemiah was consumed by something. Nehemiah was consumed but it was not with his job as cupbearer to his majesty. The King asked Nehemiah,” Why are you sad?” Although he was filled with fear, Nehemiah availed himself of the opportunity to tell the King about the city of Jerusalem and to ask him for permission to return there to rebuild its walls. Much to his amazement, the King not only gave him permission he supplied him with the necessary personnel to secure safe travels and with the necessary resources to complete the project.

– Nehemiah 2:8 NLT

And the king granted these requests, because the gracious hand of God was on me.

Nehemiah knew exactly what he wanted to do he just did not know how to go about doing it. For many, their divine purpose goes unaccomplished because although they know what to do they do not know how to do it. What you may not realize is that God is aware of your inabilities. All He wants is for you to depend on him 100%. All God expects you to do is to do what you can and leave the rest to Him. Nehemiah prayed and prepared for this opportunity and he did his homework. His efforts may not have been enough but God filled in the gaps, and did the rest.

When God stirs in you the “what”, He will always provide the “how”. Nehemiah’s great preparation and speech were not responsible for the King acquiescing; it was the gracious hand of God at work. He did however, what was within his power to do and left the rest to God. Had God not shown up the day Nehemiah spoke to the King that could have very well been his last day on earth. You will know when you have discovered your divine purpose when you recognize that if God does not show up, you will end up paying a very high price for that which consumes you.

No matter which way you turn you see terrible things happening everywhere, wars, earthquakes, famine, diseases, in a nutshell, the last thing I want is to be negative, but really, if you turn on the TV and turn on the news for just five minutes, you are going to agree with me.

But wait a minute! Wasn’t all of this already written? Were we not forewarned more than two thousand years ago? Discover this and much more in the new series which begins next Sunday, these are signs, aren’t you’re seeing them?

Sunday, February 28 @ 11AM

@ Casa De Alabanza Miami