Who me? – Bobby Cruz Jr.



Friday March 4, 2016

I have been a follower of Jesus for most of my life and a pastor for half of this time. In spite of this, I wake up each morning and I come before God and almost always ask Him: who me? It is still difficult for me to believe that God created me with a divine purpose in mind. It is still difficult for me to assimilate the fact that God created me to do something that not only will have value here on earth but that will also carry an eternal value. As a result, every morning when I pray, I ask, who me?

You might be completely unaware of this, but God created you. Yes, He created you to do something that will resound throughout eternity. God created you with a divine purpose; a purpose you are supposed to execute on earth that will also have an effect throughout eternity. If you have not already done so, discovering and executing God’s purpose should be your goal. Too many people live shallow lives, thinking only of the mundane and routine things that people who do not know Jesus worry about. At least they have an excuse; they do not really know that God exists.

Exodus 9:16 NIV

But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

Discovering God’s purpose for your life begins with an understanding of what worries God. God worried about proclaiming His name in all the earth. Therefore, whether you know it or not, God has strategically placed you on this earth as an instrument to proclaim His glory. Can you believe it? The God of the universe has chosen you to proclaim his Glory! What have you been doing with your life lately?