What is the Problem? – Bobby Cruz Jr.




Wednesday March 9, 2016

Every successful organization either solves a problem or meets a need in a market. Apple Computers, one of the most successful businesses in the world saw the need to create computer devices simple enough that even grandma and grandpa could use them. The secret to Apple’s success was the result of identifying and solving a problem. Did you know that your success in life depends on your ability to identify, solve, or prevent a problem? God created you with a divine purpose, and His purpose will always include solving or preventing a specific problem. What is the problem you were created to solve?

Nehemiah 2:17 NIV

 Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and we will no longer be in disgrace.”

When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, the problem the people faced was evident. The city walls were torn down and the people lived in disgrace. This was not a new problem. What made matters worse was that the people had grown accustomed to living this way. They no longer saw the problem for what it was; they simply saw life as usual. What Nehemiah did was to bring a fresh perspective on a decades- old problem. What he did was to identify a problem that could or should be solved. Nehemiah’s words became a wake up call in essence. He told the people “look around, we are in trouble. Jerusalem is supposed to be the City of God. This is a shame.”

Nehemiah understood that God’s purpose for his life was to identify then do something about the problem in Jerusalem. Like Nehemiah, God wants you to identify the problem that surrounds you. God wants to bring a fresh perspective to an age-old problem in your community, your family, in your world. Therefore, let me ask you again, what problem did God create you to solve? Let me ask the same question in a different way. What might or might not happen if you do not identify and bring a fresh look to the existing problem in your surroundings?