The Solution – Bobby Cruz Jr

The Solution

Thursday March 10, 2016

If it is true, that for every problem there is a solution, why then are there so many problems? Whereas, a clearly defined problem grabs our attention, the solution engages the imagination. Politicians are good at painting an image of the problems but not very good at painting an imaginary image of what could and should be. Most problems are obvious and most solutions are too. The difference is that most problems are visible and tangible, but solutions ask us to imagine the future in a way that requires change in the present.

Nehemiah 2:17 NIV

Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.”

Nehemiah was convinced that his divine purpose was to be part of the solution to the problem, but he also understood that he was not going to solve the problem on his own. He needed help from the people of Jerusalem. Nehemiah gathered the people and engaged their minds by clearly defining the obvious dilemma. Then he moved forward and engaged their imagination by painting a word picture of what the future could and should be.

God created you with a divine purpose; you are supposed to be a solution to a problem. Do you daydream about what could and should be? Do you have a clear mental picture of what the future should be? Can you help paint that picture in the hearts and minds of others? No one can accomplish God’s divine purpose on his or her own. It is going to require a team of people to become the solution to the problem. A clearly defined problem will engage the people’s minds and a clearly defined solution will engage their imagination.

We are responsible for bringing a solution to a problem. We must continually create a mental picture of the solution. We must dream and imagine what the future could be. What is your proposed solution to the problem or problems in front of you? Begin by imagining what the future could be.

Imagine a marriage that…

Imagine children who…

Imagine a family where…

Imagine a business that…

Imagine a church where…
