The Purpose behind the Purpose – Bobby Cruz Jr



Tuesday, April 26, 2016


I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.

– Job 42:5 NLT


As a follower of Jesus, you will eventually discover that God has a divine purpose for every area of your life. He has a purpose for all of your relationships; your family, friends, enemies, the people you know and even those people you do not know. God also has a purpose for your finances, job, and your career. God has a purpose concerning your conduct, your morals, ethics, and even has a purpose for what you hear and the words you speak.


God’s divine purpose for Nehemiah and the people was for them to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls; and for Nehemiah and the people, their ultimate goal was to rebuild the city walls. Unbeknownst to them, was God’s ultimate goal to reveal Himself through His divinely authored purpose. Fifty-two days after they had begun the work, the walls were completed. It was then that they realized that God was with them. Suddenly, their attention shifted from their accomplishment to God who was the one that showed up and fueled the accomplishment. They caught a glimpse of God and their natural response was to surrender, worship, and obey Him. Without prior planning, the people shifted their attention from the reconstructed walls to God as they gathered in the plaza to worship. They came to the realization, that the purpose behind the divinely ordained purpose was none other than God Himself.


Do you recall how the story of Jesus walking on the water ended? One day, Jesus sent His disciples ahead on a boat while He stayed behind. Take notice, this was not the disciples’ plan but Jesus’ plan. The boat sailed off and when it was far from the shoreline, a storm developed with winds so strong they threatened to sink the vessel. Just before dawn, Jesus appeared to the disciples walking on the water; the disciples became terrified and feared they were seeing a ghost. Jesus told them: “do not be afraid, take courage. I am here!” Peter, perhaps seeing this as his only option to survive the storm, asks Jesus if he could walk on the waters and come to Him. After a few short steps, Peter took his eyes off Jesus and instead focused his attention on the impossibility of his present situation; and just like that, Peter began to drown. Then, Jesus stretched out His hand, grabbed hold of Peter, pulled him into the boat, and immediately the winds died down. Now, let me remind you how the story ends. The disciples worshipped and exclaimed: “You are the Son of God”.


Did you know that this is the first time the Bible talks about the disciples worshipping God? They had been in the company of Jesus for many months but they had never worshipped Him. That was the purpose behind the purpose; their purpose was to sail and Jesus’ purpose was to reveal Himself.


As you pursue God’s divine purpose for your life, at some point, He will give you a glimpse of His glory. Just as it was with Nehemiah, the disciples, and so many others, when you suddenly realize that God has shown up, you will shift your attention away from the accomplishment and instead you will focus on the one who fueled the accomplishment. Then without any prompting, you will willingly and voluntarily surrender, worship, and obey God; because that is the purpose behind your God-ordained purpose.