Obedience – Bobby Cruz Jr



Tuesday, august 09, 2016

Let us be honest for moment, we all know that one of the things we most like about God are His blessings. God is good and full of grace; He takes great pleasure in blessing His children. There exists a dilemma however, God’s blessings always happen within the framework of obedience. So that there are no misunderstandings, obedience is not the price we pay to earn God’s blessings. Obedience is the framework God uses to pour out His blessings upon us. However, often times, obedience implies doing something that we do not agree with, does not make sense, or that we simply do not wish to do.


Such was the case with Noah; God told him that He was going to flood the earth, but in His grace, He was also going to afford Noah and his family the blessing of escaping the impending destruction. However, the only way for Noah to cash in on this blessing was for him to obey God and to do something that chances are made no sense to him. Noah was to build a great big boat in the middle of nowhere, with no body of water in sight that would carry him, his family, and pairs of every living animal on earth, and enough food to feed them all.


Genesis 6:22 NIV

Noah did everything just as God commanded him.


Just like Noah, God wants to also bless us and save us, and not just save us when we pass from this life to the next. God desires to bless and save us in our health, families, finances, and in every aspect of or lives. Oftentimes however, we seek God’s blessings outside of the framework He established which is the framework of obedience. God wishes to bless you in your health, but are you being obedient to God and taking proper care of your health? God wants to bless your family, but are you obeying God’s commands concerning family relationships? God wants to bless you financially, are you obeying God’s principles for managing your finances? Noah did everything God commanded him to do, are you doing everything God has commanded you to do?


To walk in Noah’s shoes means to obey God and to do everything just as He has commanded you to do.