Connected – Bobby Cruz Jr



Monday October 17, 2016


As I observe the world today, there appears to be a disregard for character and for things such as honesty, truthfulness, respect, responsibility, and integrity. All one needs to do is to observe the current U.S. presidential candidates, they all seem to be in a competition to see who can be the most dishonest and disrespectful. What is sad is that they are merely a reflection of our culture. What makes matters worst is that we even witness this disregard for character in many of us who call ourselves Christians.


Herein is the problem, it is always easier to be bothered by and to point out the character flaws in others than it is to be bothered by and acknowledge the lack of character in us. The problem is further exacerbated when we try to become a better person, father, mother, spouse, child or Christian but cannot seem to achieve consistency in the endeavor. We then open our Bibles only to discover that our Heavenly Father created us to be fashioned in the character of His son Jesus and this is something that to us seems very impossible. Given enough time we can probably become a better version of ourselves. However, to have the character of Jesus in our estimation is simply impossible. In all honesty, how close are we to being like Jesus?


Here is the good news; it is easier to become more Christ like than it is to become a better version of your self. Yes, you read it correctly. It is easier to be molded into the character of Christ than it is for you to become a better person. If we were honest with ourselves, we would admit that we are inconsistent even in the areas that we know are flawed. We promise to be more loving, honest, and patient but we cannot consistently keep our promise to do so. If we cannot be consistent in the areas that we know we need to change, what is to say that it would be easier to become like Jesus? Allow me to answer the question with the following Bible verse:


John 15:5 NIV

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – Jesus


As we read this verse, we discover that Jesus not only is the model of the person we need to become, he is also the vehicle to molding us into the person we need to become. Simply stated, God never intended us to become imitators of Jesus, His intention was for us to REMAIN in Jesus. There is a difference of enormous proportions between being committed to remaining connected to Jesus and becoming like Jesus. If your commitment is to imitate and become like Jesus then you will never reach the goal. Jesus said that apart from Him, you couldn’t do anything. However, if you remain in Him you will bear much fruit and when the Bible refers to fruit it speaks to the character of a person. Therefore, you cannot attain the character of Jesus only by imitating Him but you can achieve it by remaining in Him.


For this reason, our goal should not be to imitate Christ. Our goal should be to remain connected to Him and to allow Him to build His character in us. Our goal should be to wake up every day, recognize our weaknesses, and depend on His strength. Our goal has to be to pray everyday saying God I cannot but you can through me. The goal is to remain connected to Jesus 24/7; it is worth it.