Rejection – Bobby Cruz Jr.



Wednesday November 23, 2016


The stay at home mother cares for her children and performs the household chores. The husband in turn, comes home from work and never says, thanks. You are my wife after all thinks the husband that is what you are supposed to do. The father comes home after working hard to put food on the table and his wife never bothers to say thanks. You are my husband after all thinks the wife that is what you are supposed to do. Both parents work hard to feed and cloth their children, to buy them the latest electronics but the children never pause to say thanks. After all think the children, you are my parents, and that is what you are supposed to do. Here is the problem, when we fail to express our gratitude, eventually this will be perceived as a form of rejection.


Luke 17:17-18 NLV

Jesus asked, “Were there not ten men who were healed? Where are the other nine? Is this stranger from another country the only one who turned back to give thanks to God?”


Think of the person who makes great sacrifices at home, at work, or as a volunteer in their church, but nobody takes the time to thank them for their sacrifice. I can guarantee that eventually, that person is going to feel unappreciated, and that is going to lead to them feeling rejected, and that feeling of rejection is going to lead to that person becoming upset. Someone will eventually ask, why are they so upset? The answer is, they are feeling unappreciated and rejected. I can imagine this is how Jesus felt after healing ten men, then seeing that only one, who happened to be a foreigner, returned to say thanks.


It is quite ironic when you think that the people you are most grateful for are the same people that if asked, will tell you that they actually feel rejected by you. That is because, unexpressed appreciation is perceived as a form of rejection. This week is the perfect time to visit, call, write, or text those people that you appreciate. Remember, a grateful person is one who is willing to go back and express their gratefulness to those who have helped them to move forwards.