


Wednesday January 4, 2016


Those who know say that when making a New Year’s resolution, one should pick something that is important to us then develop a plan that will lead us to fulfilling our goal. What is important to you and do you have a plan to achieve your goal? I am a person who believes in the existence of God and as such, I believe that nothing could be important than seeking God. It is true that being healthy, wealthy, and falling in love are important, but nothing should be more important to us than seeking God. What is interesting is, that the more we draw close to God, the closer we get to the source of health, wealth, and love. Likewise, the farther we drift from God, the farther we get from the source of health, wealth, and love. Therefore, in my humble estimation, there can be no resolution more important than to seek God.


Proverbs 8:17 KJV

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.


I live in South Florida, yet every once in a while, my wife and I take some time off to go and visit different beaches in the Caribbean. Usually, when visiting a beach, my wife finds the most attention-grabbing seashells while I seem to never find anything interesting. Why is this? The difference between my wife and I is that she goes in search for them and I just walk around hoping to run into them. The same is true concerning our relationship with God; there are those who seek and eventually find Him and there are those who want to find Him but do not bother to seek Him. King Solomon said that those who seek God early shall find Him.


As I previously stated, our number one resolution should be to seek God. However, we should also create a plan to reach that goal. I would like to suggest three things that should become a mayor component in your plan to seek God.


  1. Pray

Make it your daily habit to pray and make it your daily habit to start your day in prayer. True you can pray at any time of the day, but Solomon declared that those who seek Him early will find Him. In other words, those who make God their number one priority will find Him.


  1. Read your Bible

God’s preferred method for revealing himself is through His word, through the Bible. It is very difficult if not impossible to seek God without making time to read His word.


  1. Fast

There are different types of fasts in the Bible. The fasting that I am talking about has to do with turning off physical needs and desires to focus on the spiritual endeavor of seeking God. We can fast and abstain from food, but we can also fast by abstaining from watching television or surfing the internet and use that time to focus on praying and reading God’s word. There is not better time to embark on this type of fast than the beginning of the New Year because those who seek God early will find Him.