Plugged In




Friday March 10, 2017


Your good intentions are not enough to make you truly and consistently happy. Believing in God is also not enough to make you truly and consistently happy. This is because you were created by God to be connected to His power. Disconnected from a source of power, the most advanced refrigerator in the world cannot preserve the food you place inside of it. Similarly, disconnected from a source of power, the most advanced radio cannot play music for you. Likewise, disconnected from God, no matter how much you have inside, you will not be happy. Furthermore, disconnected from God, no matter how much you produce on the outside, it cannot make you truly and consistently happy. You were created by your Heavenly Father to be plugged into Him.


Often times, we face challenges from past hurts, hang-ups, and bad habits that we have not been able to consistently overcome. So we reach the conclusion that there must be something wrong with me or with God because after all, I have asked God to help me and I have tried my best but I just cannot overcome certain areas in my life. The good news is you are not the problem and there is nothing wrong with God. Psalm 139 says that God fearfully and wonderfully created us; you are actually perfect. The problem is that you are powerless on your own; you were created to be plugged into God’s power.


Three ways to plug into God’s power:


  1. Through prayer. Praying is much more than thanking and asking God for things. It is the outlet through which we connect our lives to our Heavenly Father and His power


My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in.

– Ephesians 3:14-15 MSG


  1. Through God’s Word. Because our Heavenly Father is interested in every aspect of our lives, we can run to His Word in our pain, grief, loneliness, or sickness and receive help in our time of trouble.


My soul weeps with grief. Make me stand firm with Your word.

– Psalms 119:28 TLV3


3. Through meeting at the local church. It is through the gathering with other believers that our

Heavenly Father has chosen to empower us to face the challenges of life.


Let us help each other to love others and to do good. Let us not stay away from church meetings. Some people are doing this all the time. Comfort each other as you see the day of His return coming near. – Hebrews 10:24-25 NLV