Why Forgive? –




Tuesday April 4, 2017


Scientists, doctors, psychologists, philosophers, and religious leaders all agree that forgiving others is the pathway to a longer, healthier and happier life, not for the recipient of forgiveness but rather for the person who extends it. If you are going to choose to be happy you will have to choose to forgive. Forgiveness however is not an easy thing to do because we sometimes confuse forgiveness with condoning bad behavior or because we believe that the person does not deserve to be forgiven. What really makes forgiving so difficult is that we find it hard to let go, to let go of the anger and hurt that someone has caused us.


You should practice forgiveness if no other reason, for the physical and emotional benefits associated with it. If these are not enough to lead you to let go and forgive, let me give you three more reasons why you should make practicing forgiveness a central focus in your life.


  1. God has forgiven me.


You will never have to forgive anyone more than what God has forgiven you. Remember, God gives forgiveness freely but He paid the highest price to forgive us, He paid with the life of His son Jesus. In light of what God has done for us, we must forgive others.


“Be gentle and ready to forgive; never hold grudges. Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Col. 3:13



  1. Resentment does not work.


The reason resentment does not work is because it can never change the past, it can never change what happened to you. Resentment only makes you hold on to your hurt and anger and remember that hurt people hurt people. You are angry because someone hurt you and without realizing it, you are going around hurting others, usually those closest to you.


“To worry yourself to death with resentment would be a foolish, senseless thing to do.”Job 5:2 GNB


“Some people stay healthy till the day they die… Others have no happiness at all; they live and die with bitter hearts.Job 21:23-25 GNB


  1. I will need forgiveness in the future.


The truth is that we have all been hurt, wronged, and offended but what should concern us is that we have hurt, wronged, and offended others too. The problem is that when others hurt, wrong, or offend us we call it a sin. However, when we do it, we call it a mistake; the truth is that we have sinned. Of greater concern to us should be knowing that in the future we will sin again. I would wager that today you have already sinned in thought or action. Since we are going to need forgiveness in the future, the best thing we can do presently is to practice forgiveness.


“When you praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your father in heaven will forgive your sins too”Mark 11:25 NLT



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