Tell Them Your Story



Wednesday May 3, 2017



God created you on purpose and with a purpose. Discovering and walking in that purpose will fulfill you and bring you total happiness. What is so interesting is that no matter how many mistakes you may have committed, no matter how many years you have been apart from God, and no matter how many blows life has dealt you, He wants to take all of it, the good and the bad and fulfill His purpose for your life. Although it is up to each of us to discover and walk in God’s specific purpose for our lives, you can be sure of one thing; no matter where you are or what you do, God wants you to share with others what He is doing and what He has done in your life.


Make a list of all the experiences you have had in life.


If you examine your life starting with your past, you will discover that God’s fingerprints are all over it. He was there even before you knew Him or became aware of His existence. In the lowest valley and on the highest mountain, if you look closely you will discover that God was right there with you. If you carefully look at your present circumstances, you will discover God’s hand at work in every area of your life, even in your hurts, hang-ups, and bad habits. As you examine your life, make a list of all your experiences good and bad. As you look back, examine your life with the knowledge that God created you on purpose and with a purpose. Then, ask yourself, what did I learn from my experiences? How did God help me to make it through the difficult times? How did God bless me in the good times? Ask yourself, who can benefit from hearing my story? Write your story down and look for opportunities to share it with someone who may be going through something similar to what you went through. Help them to see God’s fingerprints in their lives too.


My life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.Acts 20:24 NLT


The Apostle Paul, who wrote the previous Bible verse, was one of the most if not the most accomplished social, political, cultural, and religious figure in the New Testament after Jesus. What Paul discovered however, and what I hope you have or will discover too, is that nothing that you may or may not accomplish in life is of any value unless you use it to tell others what God has done for you. So, go ahead, make a list of your experiences, and make a second list of the people you will share your story with, the story of what God has done in your life.



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