Where were you when I was hurting?



Thursday May 11, 2017


A court-appointed psychiatrist told Nicky when he was just a teenager, “There is a dark side in your life that nobody can penetrate. Nicky, you are walking straight to jail, the electric chair, and hell”. Nicky was born in December of 1938 in a small town on the island of Puerto Rico. Nicky’s father, a high priest in the Santeria religion went by the title of “El Gran Taumaturgo”. When Nicky was just a child, his father would throw him naked into a pigeon’s cage. Nicky would scream and the pigeons would attack him. His mother was a medium who called Nicky a “son of the devil”; she constantly beat him, at times, to the point of unconsciousness. There were times when Nicky’s parents would throw him into the pigeon’s cage unconscious and when Nicky woke up, he would find himself in a pool of his own blood.

By the time Nicky became a teenager, he could no longer feel pain, physical or emotional. At age 15 Nicky was sent to New York with $20.00 and a small bag. By age 16 he was the leader of one of the most feared gangs in the city, the Mau Maus. Nicky was a hardened man by the time he hit the streets. In his 16 years of life he had never experienced love, the only thing he felt was loneliness, hatred, and violence. Nicky, speaking about those days in his biography says, “ I wanted to do to others what my mother did to me. I use to feel good when I hurt some people”.

The Nicky of today is the author of many books; his autobiography “Run Baby Run” has been translated into more than 40 languages and has sold in excess of 12 million copies and remains a top-seller in the UK. The WSJ projected that as of 1998 (almost twenty years ago) Nicky had already spoken to 34 million people worldwide. How can a man who was destined to jail, the electric chair, and hell by society, the mental health community, and even his mother achieve so many accomplishments?

The answer to the question is simple. Even if the entire world forgot about Nicky, his Heavenly Father never forgot about him. Nicky wrote a book titled, “Where were you when I was Hurting?” The basic premise of the book is that God used those horrible circumstances to draw Nicky close to Him. The same is true concerning your life; your Heavenly Father has not forgotten about you. Although He is not the author of your loneliness and hardships, just like Nicky, He has been working behind the scenes to use your circumstances to draw you close to Him.

If you reside in the Miami area, or if you plan on visiting, I would like to invite you to come and hear Nicky speak live on Sunday May 21 at 9am or at 11:30am. This is a ticketed event but tickets are FREE of charge so bring a friend. To download your free ticket please visit: http://www.nickycruzmiami2017.com