


Wednesday May 17, 2017


We are living in a world full of misplaced priorities. People are more passionate about sports than they are about their families. People are willing to work and make sacrifices for the sake of entertainment and fun more than they are willing to for friends. People are more passionate about money than they are about God.


In his book “One Holy Fire”, Nicky recounts the story of a visiting evangelist that he heard deliver a message. “He had an amazing stage presence and his words rolled right off his tongue with ease and eloquence. I found myself in awe of his ability to work the room, the psychology he used to keep our attention. When he finished, we walked away thoroughly entertained but there was something missing. It took me a while to put my finger on it, but I finally did; the man had great talent and abilities but he lacked passion. He spoke a well thought out message but it didn’t come from the heart.


I wondered how anyone could approach a lesson about our Lord as an exercise in communication. How can we mention His name without feeling passion? The very nature of His life, death, and resurrection and the beauty of the Good News cries out for complete and uncompromising passion!”


I have known Nicky for more than forty years. Anyone who knows him will tell you that he is always passionate about his family, his friends, and anyone who does not know Jesus or who only knows him intellectually but not emotionally. I cannot recall how many times I have heard Nicky speak, must be hundreds of times at the very least. Every time I hear him speak, whether to a large crowd in a stadium or a small private group, whether in an intimate setting, it does not matter, you will always hear him speak about Jesus with complete and uncompromising passion.


Too many Christians lack passion for Jesus and the Gospel; they are more interested in knowing Him intellectually. However if instead of looking at the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and the Good News intellectually, we would pause and allow it to invade our hearts, the result would be complete and uncompromising passion for the cause of the Gospel.


… Because of his great mercy he gave us new life by raising Jesus Christ from death … So you rejoice with a great and glorious joy, which words cannot express, because you are receiving the salvation of your souls, which is the purpose of your faith in him.

1 Peter 1:3-9 GNT



If you reside in the Miami area, or if you plan on visiting, I would like to invite you to come and hear Nicky speak live on Sunday May 21 at 9am or at 11:30am. This is a ticketed event but tickets are FREE of charge so bring a friend. To download your free ticket please visit: