Mistake or Sin?



The word “sin” is used most frequently in theological circles or discussions. It is not an everyday word, especially among non-Christians. Yet, even Christians do not like using the word, since it is an uncomfortable word. A more common word is: “mistake.” A mistake is “an error in action, calculation, opinion or judgement caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, or insufficient knowledge.” They are accidental, not well thought out or planned. The problem comes from using the word “mistake” to describe all of our less than perfect decisions. Sin breaks our relationship with God and others. We learned that Jesus is in the business of restoring relationships, and this means we need to recognize the sin in our lives that hurts our relationships. When we do and seek forgiveness, then we can experience healthy relationships. This is a great week to pray that we recognize those sinful areas in our lives, and seek forgiveness from God. Let us avoid brushing our sins aside as mere “mistakes.”





Pray that God would “open the eyes” of our hearts to understand the importance of the past message. Ask God to show you which areas of your life are a problem and need forgiveness. Then repent of these sins and accept God’s forgiveness into your life.



Let us pray that God will continue to supply, according to His riches in glory, for every financial need in the Church, more specifically within our homes. Let us also pray for the finances required to finish paying for the new Church building and property.





Today, we should pray for any of our family members that are struggling with sin. Let us pray that God would enlighten them. If you need to ask any of them for forgiveness, make a time to go see them and do so.





We should pray that the members of the Church will take ownership of the message given last Sunday and apply it to their lives.








Continue praying for the leaders within our Church. Focus especially on those that are facilitating groups for the new series: Starting Point.





Persevere in praying for your co-workers and or classmates, asking God that you may serve as a light in their lives; guiding them from darkness to Christ.



Lost Souls


Finally, pray for the lost souls that we meet each day. Ask God to make us bold, so that we may speak to them without fear.