The Solution





Tuesday July 11, 2017


Hello! My name is Bobby Cruz Jr. If you do not know who I am, don’t worry, you are not missing out on much. However, if you are not familiar with my older brother, he is someone you ought to meet. I say this because he is the solution to the deadliest disease the world has ever seen. This is a disease so powerful that it has claimed more lives than all the combined diseases throughout history and if you do not do something about it, it will eventually claim your life too.


If you have ever knowingly done something you know is wrong, you are infected with this disease. If you have ever felt guilt and shame this is symptomatic that you are sick. Perhaps you feel guilt because you are not the person you know you ought to be or perhaps it’s the something you said or did that you know you should not have said or done that has you feeling guilty. You might be feeling ashamed thinking you never want anyone to know what you thought, said, or did. All of these are clear indicators that you are ill.


Each and every one of us was born infected and no matter how many excuses we can come up with to explain our behavior, the symptoms persist. We may try to drink, drug, entertain, or hide the symptoms away but they never completely go away. The good news however is that all the religious systems of the world say that they have a program or method that can heal you from the disease. The bad news is that none of them work. They do not work because no amount of good deeds or penance can ever take away your past. No need to worry though, as I said earlier, my older brother has the solution to your problem.


Many medical and religious experts offer solutions to this disease but the only person that has ever offered himself as the solution is my older brother and his name is Jesus. The disease is called sin and as I said, no amount of penance or good deeds can take away your sins; only Jesus can do that.


The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! – John 1:29 NIV