He never changes



Friday November 10, 2017


Everyone Changes

The world is in a constant state of change. Technology, families, friends, and people change. You have changed and I am changing too. Consider for a moment what happens to us men; one day we start growing hair where we do not want it, and start losing it where we want it. And, ladies, one day the effects of gravity will take a toll on your bodies. We can fight it by living healthily or getting surgery but it is inevitable, change will eventually catch up to us. The most talented artists will lose their talents and even the most brilliant minds at some point will lack the mental skills they once had. Those who are independent will one day become dependent and the strongest of athletes will see their strength diminished.


Everyone Changes – God is Unchanging

 Change catches up to us all; it does not matter that you are the wealthiest, smartest, or most powerful person among us. God however is unchanging; change will never catch up to Him. God will never lose His abilities; He will always be omnipresent seeing all things everywhere. God will always be omniscient knowing everything about all things and He will always be omnipotent. God will never lose His strength He is eternally unchanging.


Romans 1:20 NLT

 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature.


Gods plan will not fail.

Fear not! Although change eventually catches up to us, God remains unchangeable. I repeat, this means you have no reason to fear. God’s plans will not change and they will never fail. His plans will always withstand any attack from heaven, from earth, from anyone. The devil and any atheist, skeptic, or scholar are no match for God, His plans will prevail. You have no reason to fear because the cross never loses its power. What you need to do is to focus more on God and less on your changing body. Just place your trust in Gods plan for your life.


Isaiah 14:27 NLT

 The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken— who can change his plans? When his hand is raised, who can stop him?”


Heavenly Father, in a constantly changing world, it films with peace to know that you never changes, your promises are eternal, your power is infinite and will never change. Thanks because of who you are I can live confidently knowing that your perfect plans for my life will never change.