Growing In Faith Through Prayer

Monday, January 13th

If you’ve ever been to a summer camp, you probably played a game called, “tug of war”. For those of you who have never played it, tug of war is a game in which two people or teams pull on opposite ends of a rope in an attempt to drag the opposition over a central line. For most believers, that’s pretty much what their prayer life looks like…a tug of war, trying to move God in their direction instead of allowing God to move them in His direction.

When Jesus taught about prayer he established that before submitting our requests and needs to Him we should begin our prayers with, “Your will be done.” Sometimes when we pray, without even knowing it, we’re asking God for things that are actually not good for us, but God always knows what’s best. Part of growing in our faith is to allow our communication with God to cause us to move in His direction, instead of using prayer to attempt to move God in ours.

Bible reading
Matthew 6: 9-13 (NIV)

In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. (Verses 9,10)

Heavenly Father, there are many requests that I have before you, and more to come. But in all of them, your will be done. When I agree with you, your will be done. When I disagree with you, your will be done. Whether I like or dislike your answer, always, your will be done.