Help, when you need it most



When you need it most

Friday January 26, 2018


It was towards the late 1970’s when my family began their walk with Christ. The realization that God existed was something amazing to us. On the one hand we knew nothing about God and on the other, many were interested in hearing about our encounter with him. During this time, my father and his partner Riche were as famous as one could possibly be. Many churches rejected them but a few decided to use their notoriety and fame to reach out to those who had not had an encounter with Jesus. This was something they openly welcomed; an opportunity to tell others that God is real. On one occasion as my father and Richie were testifying at a church in NYC, a pastor from Connecticut was present and invited them to speak at his church which they gladly accepted. Several days later we got into a car with the pastor from Connecticut and we were on our way. The speed limit at that time was 55 MPH but my dad was driving close to 70 MPH. After speeding for a few miles the pastor turned to my dad and said, “don’t you know that God exits the car after 55 MPH?” I remember thinking that makes sense. My father immediately turned to the pastor and replied, “it’s after 55 MPH that I need God to enter the car”.


So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.Hebrews 4:16 NLT


The truth is that driving above the speed limit is wrong and in fact, from a Biblical standpoint it would be considered sin. So is thinking what you’re not supposed to think, touching what you’re not supposed to touch, saying what you’re not supposed to say, and doing what you’re not supposed to do are also wrong and are definitely sin. We are all guilty of sinning and many times we have had to suffer through the negative consequences of our sins. God however promises that when we come into his presence, through his tender mercies he will forgive us our sins and through his grace, will either eliminate those consequences or should he choose not to, will be with us as we go through them.


God’s grace is always an unmerited gift, it is not something that you deserve or can earn. If you were able to deserve or earn it, then it would be called something else. Grace happens when the consequences of sin wreck our lives and God intervenes and eliminates the consequences and restores us. Grace takes place when the consequences of sin wreck our lives and God chooses to not remove the consequences but walks with us through the wreck. Grace is what we least deserve when we sin but ironically, it is what we need the most when we sin and fortunately it is what God graciously offers those who come before his throne when they sin.



  1. What you think about the statement, “it is after 55 MPH that I need God to enter the car”?
  2. Have you ever experienced God’s unmerited grace in your life? What were the circumstances?
  3. Do you think God’s grace is fair or unfair and why?
  4. Do you think you deserve or can earn God’s grace?
  5. How and when is God’s grace available?



Heavenly Father, once again the consequences of my sins have caught up to me. I am confident however in your promise that because of Jesus’ love for me, because of his sacrifice on the cross to pay the price for my sins I now have access in my time of need to your throne. I boldly come before you, I need forgiveness and I need your mercy and your grace. I know I do not deserve it and nothing that I can ever do, will earn your favor. But, I trust in your word, that I am forgiven and restored. Thank you for your love, your mercy, and your grace, Amen.