Trust Account



Trust Account

Monday, February 19, 2018


There once was a man who was walking by the edge of a precipice when out of curiosity he decided to walk up to the edge to see what lay below. As he cautiously stepped forward his foot slipped on the gravel and he immediately began to fall. As he was falling he reached out and grabbed hold of a bush on the side of the cliff. As he was dangling there he noticed that the bush was slowly giving way so he immediately cried out to God in a loud voice, “Lord save me!” No sooner had he prayed he heard the Lord say, “do you trust me?” Without hesitation the man responded: “yes, I trust you!” To which God replied, “then if you trust me let go of the bush.” After a brief pause the man shouted out, “is there no one else up there who can help me?”


This story illustrates the way many believers perceive God when it comes to their finances. As Christians, we believe that God is our source of security but we act as though finances are what give us security. For the most part we know how God wants us to manage our finances, but when we find ourselves dangling from a financial cliff and are confronted with the choice of trusting God with our finances, sadly many choose to hold on to the financial bush.


Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.1 Timothy 6:17 NIV


Often times we forget the awesomeness of God’s power. God is so powerful that with or without money he is able to provide us with everything we need. God’s power is not limited or extended through money. God is far greater than money. In a way this reminds me of a dilemma that the Apostles were going through; they believed that Jesus was their savior all the way up to the day Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death. In their minds, death had more power than Jesus. In their minds, death was the final word. That is until Jesus arose from the dead three days later. The same is true financially speaking; God is God when we have money and God remains equally as powerful when we don’t have money. God is able to sustain you when there is money in your account and when there is no money in your account. It is only when God is all that is left that we realize that he is all that we need.



  1. How much do you worry about finances and why?
  2. Do you feel more secure when you have money or when you lack money?
  3. Do you find it difficult to trust (obey) God with your finances and why?
  4. What is the difference between trusting God and trusting in your money?
  5. How can you manage your money in a way that shows you trust God?



Heavenly Father, help me to trust you. I spend far too much time putting my trust in money, which goes as easily as it comes. You on the other hand are faithful, you are good, and your word is trustworthy. I want to let go of my grip on my finances, help me to let go, and I want to trust you more and more and I want to give to you more and more for your kingdom’s sake. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen