Cumulative Value – Bobby Cruz Jr




Friday, February 23, 2018


“Do not save what is left after spending; instead spend what is left after saving.”- Warren Buffett


Statistics show that God has been extremely gracious to most people living in the United States. According to a new study by the Pew Research Center, the vast majority of Americans are either upper-middle, or high-income class; and most of the Americans classified as “poor” by the United States Government would be middle-income class if measured on a global scale. But statistics also show that Americans have not been very good stewards of God’s graciousness. 26% cannot pay their bills, 50% live beyond their means, and 80% are in debt when in fact they should have money saved.


In America, our problem is not how much we make but rather how much we spend; we tend to spend all of our income and then some. For most people, this is the way they manage their finances, first they consume, second, they pay their bills, third they save if there is any money left over, and fourth they give, again if there is any money left.


Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. – Proverbs 13:11 NIV


The way to increase your wealth according to Solomon is to make your money grow little by little. Growing wealth is no mystery; most millionaires build their wealth by consistently saving and investing a portion of their income rather than consuming all of it. They understand the obvious, that there is a great cumulative value in making small consistent deposits over long periods of time. They understand the value of consistently saving or investing a small portion of their income. Furthermore, they develop the patience to watch their savings grow over time. Understanding that it is not the one or two deposits that will build their wealth but rather being consistent and prioritizing saving and investing over consuming and spending.


From a Biblical perspective, the way we manage our money should be the mirror opposite of the way most people in America manage their money. First, we should give, second we should save and watch our finances grow, third we should pay our debts, and fourth, consume. According to the statistics, God has blessed us but now it is up to us how we manage God’s blessings.



  1. On a global scale how do you believe you would fair financially, would you be poor, middle-class, upper-middle class, or wealthy?
  2. What percentage of your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly income do you consume?
  3. What percentage of your income do you consistently save or invest?
  4. What percentage of your income should you save or invest?
  5. Does the way you manage your money reflect the culture or God? Do you consume, pay debts, save and give? Or do you give, save, pay debts and consume?



Heavenly Father, you have blessed me most abundantly, thank you for your gracious provision. Today I pray that you would help me to be a better steward of the blessings bestowed upon me. Help me to manage my wealth wisely, to save more and to give more for your kingdom. I want to become the kind of steward that you can call “faithful”. Thank you for your abundant grace and for your son Jesus Christ in whose name I pray, Amen.