Borrow or Lend



Borrow or Lend

Monday March 4, 2018


I am only guessing but I am convinced that most people would like to upgrade their lifestyle. Wouldn’t you? I know I would. However, in order to do so, we are going to need more money. Well, there are various ways to achieve this goal. We can do it through hard work, saving, and investing our money. We can achieve this goal by receiving an inheritance, by winning the lottery, or we can upgrade our lifestyle by borrowing money.


Most people have chosen to upgrade their lifestyle by borrowing money. Maybe this is a big part of why according to a Pew research, 80% of all American households are in debt.  And when you subtract the number of rich people who do not borrow money and those who do not qualify to borrow money, this is an alarming number; particularly for those of us who are Christians, because God never envisioned his people living in debt.


The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. – Deuteronomy 28:12 NIV


When God liberated the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, he led them into the Promised Land. Then, he promised that if they obeyed his commands, he would greatly bless them. Part of that promise was that they would never have to borrow money, instead they would have enough to lend to other pagan nations. They understood that if they had to borrow money that meant that something had gone wrong. This was a far cry from culture’s perspective. In our present-day culture the ability to borrow money means that things are going well.


When it comes to personal finances there are two kinds of people, those who borrow money and those who make money off of their money. There are those who pay interest on their debts and those who make interest on their surplus. Which one would you rather be?


There is a better way to upgrade your lifestyle without having to borrow money. First, give to God what belongs to God. Second, learn to consistently save a percentage of your income. Third, stop borrowing money to buy things you don’t really need or can afford. If you cannot afford it, don’t buy it until you can afford it. Fourth, after giving and saving, live off the remainder of your income. Finally, wait for your Heavenly Father to open the heavens and fill your storehouse and bless the work of your hands.



  1. Would you like to upgrade your lifestyle? How much money do you need?
  2. Have you ever borrowed money or purchased things on credit that you did not need or could not afford just to upgrade your lifestyle? Why?
  3. Do you believe that your Heavenly Father wants His children to live in debt?
  4. Why do you think so many Christians live in debt?
  5. What step can you take towards living a debt free life?




Heavenly Father I believe your word is true, that you are a faithful, loving, and forgiving father. Today I commit myself to being a better steward of the money and resources you have entrusted to me. Today I make you first in my life, I commit to first giving to you what belongs to you and I ask that you bless my giving. I want to give freely and with a heart of joy and not out of compulsion or need; I want to give you my heart and honor you with the blessings you have given to me because I have nothing to give except that which you have given to me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.