Listen to Him




Friday June 1, 2018


“This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”– Mark 9:7 NIV


Nothing should comfort and encourage us more than knowing that God wants to speak to us; that the God who created you and me, who created heaven and earth, and everything that exists wants to speak directly to us. That the God who knows everything, who is everywhere, and who is in control of everything wants to speak personally to us. How can this be? After all, God dwells in heaven and we on earth. God is Spirit and we are flesh. God is perfect and we are imperfect. God is holy and we have all sinned.


4 ways in which God speaks to us:


 1. God speaks to us through His word.


God’s primary way of speaking to us is through the Bible. When we read our Bibles, we are hearing directly from him.



  1. God speaks to us through prayer.


Prayer is the way we express to God our feelings and emotions, our joys and sorrows, our victories and defeats, and our appreciation and our wants. But prayer is much more than saying thanks and presenting to God our petitions. Prayer is a time to talk to God and in stillness remain quiet to listen to God speak to us.


  1. God speaks to us through others.


Sometimes God will choose to use other people as a vehicle through which to speak to us to encourage, affirm, to warn, and to correct. He may choose to use someone like you or maybe someone you dislike. What is of most significance is not who the messenger is but rather what the message is.


  1. God speaks to us through difficult circumstances.


God uses the trials and tribulations in our lives to get our attention. In most cases when a person is going through a difficult moment they are more inclined to seeking to hear God speak to them. When we find ourselves in difficult situations instead of asking God why is this happening to me? We should ask, God what are you trying to say to me?


The most important factor in our lives is to develop the ability to listen to God’s voice. Because we are humans and he is divine does not mean that we cannot hear his voice. It all begins by praying and asking God to speak to you. Remember, God speaks to us through his word, through prayer, through others, and through difficult circumstances.