Rich in happiness



I remember a simple Spanish hymn we sang when I was a child that translated went something like this; “Only God makes man happy, life is nothing, everything ends, only God makes man happy”. I believe that for most people today that hymn would actually sound more like this; “Only money makes man happy, life is nothing everything ends, only money makes man happy”. There’s actually a bumper sticker that says; “He who dies with the most toys wins.”

You can’t turn on your television without some advertiser telling you that if you buy their product you will be happy. I’ve even seen some commercials that tell us that if we buy their product it will transform and even save our lives. The problem is that the pursuit of physical possessions will never truly make us happy. It may result in temporary happiness for some, but the fact is that the happiness achieved from buying a new item rarely lasts longer than a few days.Researchers even have a phrase for this temporary fulfillment it’s called: retail therapy.

Luke 12:15 TLB
Beware! Don’t always be wishing for what you don’t have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are.”

I believe if Jesus were to speak these words in today’s society he would be considered a fool. The fact is that in both the political and religious realms in society, quality of life is directly related to how rich we are or at least that is what it would seem like. The politicians tell us that if we vote for them they will gives us things, so we vote for them. The preachers tell us, “come to God and he’ll make you rich”, so we attend their churches. But the truth still remains and will always remain, “only God makes man happy”. Because happiness has never and will never be subject to riches, happiness is and will always be subject to a relationship with God.

Luke 12:21 NLT
“Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.”

It’s that simple.

Heavenly Father, only you can make me happy. No earthly possession, as tempting as it may look will fill the void in my heart that only you can fill, because only through my relationship with you will I find true happiness.