Glory To God

I must confess, there was a time that I found praying to be a very uncomfortable exercise and I could not understand why. So I decided to analyze my prayers hoping to discover the reason for this discomfort, and in no time I figured out the problem. I’ll share with you what my prayers typically sounded like to see if you’re able to figure out the problem too. My prayers sounded something like this: Thank you lord for all that you have done for me. Thank you lord for my family, my friends, my health, my… And I ask you to bless my family, my friends, my… Did you figure it out? It’s so clear all of my prayers ended up being about me. They all were meant to thank God for all that he had given to me and to ask him to give me more, in other words for my glory.

Romans 11:36 NIV

For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.

On the surface there seems to be nothing wrong with my prayers, I mean what’s wrong with giving thanks to God and seeking his blessing? The answer is nothing. But the truth is that God did not create me for my Glory, God created me to bring Him glory. Most believers today act as though God exists to bless us and bless us until we become full of glory. But the verse we just read states that everything comes from God, everything was made by God and everything was made to bring glory to God and that includes you and me.

After analyzing the way I prayed and seeing how self-centered my prayers were I decided to make a big change. I decided that I would focus my prayers on bringing God the glory. So now my prayers go something like this: Thank you lord for my, my family, my friends, my health, my… And I ask you to bless my family, my friends, my… And may every blessing that you have given me be used to bring you glory and may every petition I ask of you be answered only if it brings you the glory.

You see it’s simple. God did not create me for my glory. God created me to bring him glory.

Heavenly Father, I was created by you and for you and sometimes I make the terrible mistake in thinking that it’s about me when nothing could be further from the truth. May everything I have and everything I seek bring you the glory forever. Amen!