Transformation 5, Think



Friday July 27, 2018


A big part of choosing to be happy is recognizing that within you there are things that need to be transformed. There are things and people that no matter how hard we try, we will never be able to change them. This is why happiness has far more to do with what is happening inside of you than what is happening around you. The problem is that we also have some hurts, hang-ups and bad habits that no matter how hard we have tried we have not been able to change. That is why we need more than willpower we need God’s power.


Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12:2 NLT


The way a person thinks is the way a person acts and the way a person acts determines the end results. If you look at your life and you hope for better results you need to change the way you think. If you want to address those areas in your life that have dominated you for so long you have to allow God to change the way you think. The way to do this is not by getting brainwashed by some religion it is by focusing on the things that God points out. Because, what you focus on will feed the way you think and what you think will impact the way you act and the way you act determines the end results.


Seven ways to change your focus:


  1. Focus on dealing with one defect at a time.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

  1. Focus on victory one day at a time.

Daily work on defects urgently but not in a rush.

  1. Focus on God’s power not your willpower.

If your willpower were enough you would already be perfect.

  1. Focus on good things not bad ones.

This is not the power of positive thinking. This is about learning and memorizing and affirming God’s word.

  1. Focus on doing good and not on feeling good.

Just do what is right when you feel like and not, if you persist on doing right, believe me eventually your feelings will catch up.

  1. Focus on progress not perfection.

Remember you progressed your way into imperfection, now you will need to progress your way into perfection.

  1. Focus on people who will help you not hinder you.

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. – Proverbs 13:20 NLT


“Happy are those who’s greatest desire is to do what God requires.” Matthew 5:6 TEV