Checking your Gauges



Wednesday April 12, 2017


The things we evaluate tend to be more successful than those we neglect to evaluate. We evaluate at what time we need to wake up in the morning and set our alarm clocks to wake us in order to get to school or work on time. We evaluate how far we need to drive by calculating the distance, the traffic we might encounter, and how long it will take us to get to our destination. We also evaluate how much fuel we have in our car’s gas tank by looking at the fuel gauge; if we do not have enough fuel we leave a few minutes early in order to fuel up. The problem is that most people do not have gauges to help evaluate their physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual lives. The best gauges to evaluate these areas are the questions we should be asking ourselves on a daily basis.


Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the Lord.

– Lamentations 3:40 NKJV


Four areas of my life that I should constantly evaluate:


  1. I should evaluate myself physically.


Evaluate the symptoms.

One of the most ill informed things you can do is to ignore your body. When your body sends signals otherwise known as symptoms it is because something is wrong. Some symptoms are indicative of something minor while others can be indicative of something that is or that can become a mayor problem. Ignoring your symptoms is never a wise thing to do. What is your body telling you and what are the symptoms?


Evaluate what you feed your body.

Your body needs the right foods in order to stay healthy. Are you too busy to eat properly? Do you eat too much? Do you eat too little?


Evaluate the way your body looks.

Are you overweight? Are you under weight? Do you do enough physical exercise?


  1. I should evaluate myself emotionally.

What are you feeling? Do you feel no emotions? Do you feel emotionally unstable? Do you feel overwhelmed by your emotions?


  • Are you hurt? Are you angry? Are you resentful? Are you tense? Do you overreact?
  • What are you feeding your emotions with? Are you ignoring them?


Today we covered two of the four areas that we should constantly evaluate; tomorrow we will cover the next two. Remember, the things that you ignore are not going to get better by themselves. So, once you have evaluated yourself take the necessary steps to address the situation.