The impossible made possible




Tuesday August 28, 2018


Dishonesty, disrespect, irresponsibility, selfishness, immorality, and violence, these are just a few of the many ills affecting our society. Where do these come from and what is the cause? Most sociologists and politicians, from the secularist point of view, have concluded that the problem stems from social injustices like poverty, lack of education, racism, and many more. They claim that these injustices have caused behavioral problems that they characterize as a disease that causes the individual to become dysfunctional; hence the reason for so many ills in society. They have reached the conclusion that these diseases need to be treated clinically and through social engineering.


The Bible, on the other hand, asserts that the problems affecting today’s society are not the result of social injustices. Instead, the social injustices are the result of a character crisis and that the ultimate responsibility for getting back to social order starts with the individual. Since it is an individual problem, we are not going to find a combined solution through social engineering. Therefore, the solution starts with “me and not “them”. However, it is impossible to tackle the individual dysfunction, when most people believe that someone else is the cause of their problem.


It is always easier to see the lack of character in others; the hard part is addressing it in our own lives. I am always bothered when I witness the lack of integrity in others, but seldom do I get offended by the lack of character in my own life. Perhaps its because I would rather not admit that there are areas in my life in which I lack integrity. We are all familiar with promising God, our loved ones, and even ourselves, to change our behavior only to find ourselves breaking that promise and reverting back to the undesired behavior in just a matter of days. This is precisely why God did not send us a second or third chance. This is why God did not give us an updated version of the Ten Commandments. This is why, God sent us a Savior because no matter how hard we try on our own, we are unable to solve the existing character crisis through political or social engineering.


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NIV


As believers, we need to recognize, that Jesus is not only the character model we should emulate, He is also the means to achieving that goal. Committing to becoming a better person is a method that has not worked. The method that works is to remain in Jesus and to allow Him to produce His character in and through our lives. This is why each morning, before I walk out of my house, I ask God to show me His ways. Then I ask Him to empower me to live out His ways. On my own, I know that I can’t; more importantly however, I know that He can, in and through me.