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Thursday, September 06, 2018


A Renewed Mind Leads to a Transformed Life


If you have ever been through the process of renovating something, be it a room in your house, a piece of furniture, or perhaps an older vehicle, you more than likely discovered that most renovations are messy, take longer than expected, and cost more than originally budgeted for. When we read our Bible, we discover that God wants to lead us through the same process of renovating our lives. He wants to remove our old way of thinking and replace it with a new way of thinking.


What we believe impacts our attitudes, actions, and reactions.


What we believe about anyone or anything directly impacts the way we feel and act. The way in which we manage money, time, work, what we say, and what we do is directly connected to our beliefs. Moreover, the way we treat our spouse, children, friends, and even our enemies is connected specifically to what we believe. Our attitude, actions, and reactions are the direct result of our beliefs.


The lies and falsehoods we believe adversely impact our attitude, actions, and reactions.


We all carry falsehoods and lies. For the most part, we are not aware of them or we have allowed what we once knew to be a lie to become the truth but only in our minds. The problem is that once you believe a falsehood or a lie about anyone or anything, it will have a negative impact on your attitude, actions, and reactions towards that person or thing. Falsehoods and lies will always lead to bad conclusions in your life.


We need to identify the lies and falsehoods that exist in our lives.


When we surrendered to Christ and became believers, we were born into a new life. God however, left us with the old way of thinking. The same thing happened to the Israelites when God liberated them from slavery in Egypt. They crossed the Red Sea into a new life and for forty years, God lead them through the process of renovating their lives. He removed their old way of thinking and exchanged it for His way of thinking. As God leads us through the process of renovating our lives, the first step we must take is to identify the falsehoods and lies that we carry.



Proverbs 30:7-8 NIV

“Two things I ask of you, Lord; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me…