No more excuses



Thursday September 07, 2018


False information leads to bad results.

Whenever there is misinformation and falsehoods, these will cause you to make bad decisions. Just as a computer with bad programming cannot produce correct results, likewise a person whose life has been programmed with misinformation, falsehoods, and lies cannot produce correct results. Unfortunately, all of us to one degree or another carry some bad information. This is why the Bible tells us that God wants to transform our lives by renewing our minds.


The first step in this renewal process requires that before we can install the new, we must remove the old. Therefore, I would like to give you an exercise to help you identify some of the bad information that has programmed your way of thinking.


 Examine the excuses you use to justify bad attitudes, actions, and reactions.


Residing within the excuses that we use to justify our bad behavior there is false information. If you      examine your excuses, you will discover the lie.

  • Everyone does it: The lie that resides in this excuse is, that if everyone is doing it then it cannot be bad.
  • They deserve it: The lie residing in this excuse is that someone else’s bad behavior justifies my own.
  • I deserve it: The lie that resides in this excuse is that since I deserve it my bad behavior is justified even if I have to hurt someone else to get it.
  • God wants me to have it: This is the person who says, God wants me to be happy, and while this may be true, the excuse is that it is ok to break God’s law in order to obtain His blessing.


Proverbs 13:5 NLT

The godly hate lies; the wicked cause shame and disgrace.