Believing And Doing What You Believe Are Two Different Things

Let’s say that you’re felling a little sluggish and someone talks to you about the benefits of exercising. But you’re not entirely convinced that exercise is what you need. So you sign-up and take a course on the health benefits of exercise and you leave that course convinced that exercise is the answer to the way you feel. So you go out and buy workout clothes and workout shoes. Then you sign-up for a membership at your local gym and you even schedule an appointment with a personal trainer, because you believe that exercise is exactly what you need. But let’s say you never make that appointment, let’s say you never got to the gym and never do any exercises. In practical terms what good does all of your knowledge and belief do for you? Can that knowledge alone help you to get better?

A recent Gallop poll shows that 95% of American believes in some form of Christianity. When you look around that seems hard to believe. But the truth is that in the USA we don’t have a problem with people believing in God, we have a problem with people practicing what they believe. Many Christians are convinced of the existence of God. They’ve signed up for the courses, they’ve become members of their local churches and they even have personal mentors. But when it comes down to practicing their faith it’s an entirely different story. What good is it to believe in Jesus, if we’re not going to follow Jesus? What good is it to know the teachings of Jesus if we’re not intending to apply them? What good is it to know that Jesus wants us to forgive the same way that he forgave us if we’re not willing to forgive? What good is it to believe that we’re supposed to love the way Jesus has loved, if we’re not going to love? What good is it to believe in Christianity if we’re not going to practice Christianity?

James 2:14, 26 NIV

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

The Bible teaches us that there are two types of faith, dead faith and active faith. Most Christians today believe the right things. The only problem is that their faith is inactive. Their faith is dead. Let’s make sure that our faith is active, because faith without deeds is dead.

Its simple, believing is important, what we do with what we believe is even more important.

Heavenly Father, I want my faith to grow, but there are areas in my life where I know I need to put my faith into action. Give me an opportunity today to take a step of faith as you lead me. Help me to get active … in my faith.